PYD presents at the Social Innovation Forum Showcase

This past year, Partners for Youth with Disabilities (PYD) was selected as a 2018 Social Innovator by the Social Innovation Forum. It was a huge honor for us, and kicked off an intensive 5-6 month process of executive coaching, strategic planning, and capacity building with the full support of the Social Innovation Forum.

The capstone for this experience happened in May 2018, when our Executive Director Regina Snowden gave a presentation about PYD in front of a group of potential funders and investors. This presentation showcased all the work and organizational growth that’d happened during our time with the Social Innovation Forum, and laid out our mission, our impact, and our future goals.

Watch the above video to see Regina give PYD’s presentation at the 2018 Social Innovator Showcase.

Comment (1)

  1. Palmira Banchi
    Palmira Banchi
    5 years ago

    You are the best my dear friend Regina Snowden …forever sister and friend Mila