Exceptional Lives: Quality of Life Survey for the Disability Community

Are you interested in sharing your valuable insights that can help create a brighter future for individuals with disabilities? Participate in the voluntary survey on the quality of life of people in Massachusetts with exceptional needs and you’ll receive a $5 Amazon gift card! The survey is led by Boston College Associate Professor of Special Education, Dr. Scanlon and the founders of Exceptional Lives. Read on for a survey description from Dr. Scanlon and the Exceptional Lives research team.

Are you the parent or primary caregiver of someone living with any of the following conditions? Or have you ever been identified with any of the following?

  • Learning disability
  • ADHD or ADD
  • Physical disability
  • Hearing or visual impairment (disability)
  • Pervasive developmental disorder, Asperger syndrome, or autism spectrum disorder
  • A genetic disorder or other disorder that has been present from birth
  • Cognitive impairment
  • Psychological, social, emotional, or behavioral challenges
  • Any other persistent or lifelong disability that arose prior to a person’s 18th birthday

If so, please take about twenty to thirty minutes to complete a survey about the quality of life of people in Massachusetts with exceptional needs. The results of this survey will be used to develop a free new online tool designed to assist and inform families with exceptional loved ones on how to maximize their quality of life. These results may also be used by policymakers and other leaders to further the case for system improvements that can directly and positively impact your family.

bc stone signThis survey is led by David Scanlon, Ph.D., associate professor of special education at Boston College. Dr. Scanlon has authored numerous research studies on disabilities. The survey is co-authored by the founders of Exceptional Lives™, a new nonprofit dedicated to improving the quality of life for people with exceptional needs.

The survey is completely voluntary and you can opt out at any time. We will never sell or distribute your email address or personal information. As a small token of thanks, we will email a $5 Amazon.com gift card to those who complete the survey. Survey participants must be Massachusetts residents eighteen years of age or older.

amazonHere are the survey links:

For parents/caregivers: www.surveymonkey.com/s/Leading_Exceptional_Families

For individuals with exceptional needs: www.surveymonkey.com/s/Leading_Exceptional_Lives

Questions about the survey? Email us at exceptional.survey@gmail.com.

The survey is only open for 30 days – so please take a moment to share your feedback today.

PYD thanks you on behalf of: 

David Scanlon, Ph.D.
Anne Punzak Marcus, MBA
Jay W. O’Brien, MPA
Lalita D. Booth, MPP, MBA

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  1. Youth and Family Disability Resources: June 2013 » Partners for Youth with Disabilities
    11 years ago

    […] Exceptional Lives: Quality of Life Survey for the Disability Community […]

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